MISSISSAUGA, April 6, 2015 – Egg Farmers of Ontario (EFO) is once again giving individuals an opportunity to become Ontario’s newest egg farmers by applying to the 2015 New Entrant Quota Loan Pool (NEQLP). Applications will be accepted from April 1, 2015 until May 29, 2015.
“We believe this is an exciting opportunity for young farmers,” said EFO Chair Scott Graham. “This is the fifth year for this successful program and we again look forward to welcoming more young egg farm families into the business.”
The NEQLP is designed to encourage new farmers into the Ontario egg farming business. Each year, up to 10,000 units of quota will be loaned to the successful applicant(s). The quota will be loaned based on a 1:2 ratio (1 unit purchased, 2 loaned). After 10 years, the loaned quota will be returned to EFO in 10 annual installments (10% each) and will be loaned to future participants in the program.
Be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant;
- Be a permanent resident of Ontario;
- Not have held quota, currently or in the past, of any type in the supply-managed sector (egg, pullet, chicken, turkey, dairy or hatching eggs);
- Successful applicants will be required to obtain quota to match the quota loan, based on a 1:2 ratio;
- Priority will be given to persons between the ages of 18 and 45.
“We encourage all prospective candidates to submit an application for this program. It is working as an excellent way for potential egg farm families to join our vibrant and growing sector,” said Scott Graham, EFO Chair.
An accountant;
- A financial representative;
- An OMAFRA staff person;
- A non-director egg farmer and
- A representative from Junior Farmers Association of Ontario
To apply, interested individuals must complete and submit an application form (available through EFO or at https://www.getcracking.ca/members/uploads/pdf/new_entrant_application_covering_letter_policy_2015_for_web.pdf. Successful applicants must complete and file with EFO all documentation required of a buyer as set out in the Quota Transfer System (QTS), EFO Policies, Programs and Procedures 2014 as may be amended from time to time. Applications will be accepted from April 1, 2015 to May 29, 2015.
2015 New Entrant Quota Loan Pool Fact Sheet
Applications will be accepted immediately from April 1, 2015 until May 29, 2015.
- Be a Canadian citizen or landed immigrant;
- Be a permanent resident of Ontario;
- Not hold quota of any type in the supply-managed sector (egg, pullet, chicken, turkey, dairy, or hatching eggs);
- Not have held quota, currently or in the past, of any type in the supply-managed sector;
- Priority will be given to persons between the ages of 18 and 45.