Celebrate the heart of egg farming

Canada's Agriculture Day is February 11, 2020
This article was posted by sbrien@getcrac… on March 16th, 2018

It’s not surprising that being an egg farmer requires many skills. Depending on the day, they might be a mechanic in the morning, a crop specialist in the afternoon and an accountant at night. But one thing remains consistent throughout their days, and that is their ongoing role as an animal care specialist.

Every job they do, every piece of equipment they fix, or crop they grow is all done to help maintain one very important element on their farms – the high standards each one of our Ontario farmers have what it comes to the care of their hens and the eggs they produce.

Canada's Agriculture Day is on February 11th, and there is no better way to ceelbrate the hard work and passion of our farmers. It's a day to raise our forks to the food we love and the people who bring it to our tables.

It’s simple really. Egg farmers take great pride in the care they provide to their hens and although they are required to adhere to strict animal care and on farm food safety programs, the plain fact is a healthy hen makes a Grade A quality egg, and that makes a happy farmer, which we think is definitely worth celebrating.


As Ontario egg farmer Luke Mulder says, “We believe that a well-cared for hen will give back to the farmer. If the farmer provides the best possible environment for the hen, the hen will give back the best possible egg.”


Just like the egg itself; it’s uncomplicated.

So take a minute or a meal, and make sure you celebrate the food on your plate, in your fridge, at your local grocery store and think of all the hard work that goes into getting it there.