Choose eggs for a smart start

This article was posted by Anonymous (not verified) on September 4th, 2009

What parent doesn't want his or her child to do well in school? Proper nourishment can help provide children with the mental and physical energy to be at and do their best. It all starts with breakfast. Yes, it really is the most important meal of the day! eggworld-characters-022.jpg Did you know that eating a well-balanced breakfast can increase a child's concentration level and attention span and that this can help improve memory, problem-solving skills, school attendance and test scores?(1) In other words, what a child eats for breakfast can impact his or her performance at school. Studies that have looked at the effects of carbohydrates on behaviour have shown that carb-rich meals can make you feel drowsy compared to protein-rich meals.(2) Protein, on the other hand, maintains energy levels since it helps control how quickly energy (calories) from food is absorbed into the body. Eggs are an excellent source of protein (6 grams per large egg), and they contain no sugar (a form of carbohydrate). Starting the day with a breakfast that includes eggs can help keep your children energized so they can stay focussed, attentive and alert in class.