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In-Class Programs

The Farm to Table Student Eggs-perience is a comprehensive 3-part program inviting Ontario Egg Farmers right into your classroom! 

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The Farm

Part 1: This part of the program involves a farmer visit to your class sharing a presentation all about egg farming in Ontario. the focus in this section is to have an opportunity for students to connect with their local farmer, while learning more about the ins and outs of the life of an egg farmer and of their families.

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The Grading Station

Part 2: This part of the program is showcased with a STEM Activity inspired by the egg grading station. This is the place eggs go after leaving the farm to be insptected ans sorted before arriving at the grocery store. This activity is supported using Ontario curriculum expectations for Grades K-8.

Three children preparing food together in kitchen
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The Kitchen

Part 3 of the program follows the last destination on the egg journey. This part is designed as an interactive experience that is unique for each grade level. Ontario curriculum expectations for grades K-8 are supported for this activity.