School Project: Chemical Reaction To Remove Egg Shells

Here is another fun activity for all the future egg scientists to try! Have your little scientists to cause a chemical reaction with only  an egg, a glass, vinegar and of course their science hats!  

kid in science class


  1. Place an egg into a glass. 
  2. Add enough vinegar to the glass to cover the egg. 
  3. Let the egg sit in the glass for a day or two.
  4. Using a spoon, carefully lift the egg out of the glass. 
  5. Rinse the egg under some water while gently rubbing the shell with your fingers. If the shell doesn’t come off completely, place the egg back in the vinegar and leave it for two to three more days until the shell can be removed completely.

Crack an egg shell


Egg shells contain calcium which makes them hard. Vinegar is an acid which dissolves the calcium in the eggshell. The skin or membrane under the shell does not react to the vinegar and is left to hold the egg together.

Looking for a second eggs-periment to try with your shell-less egg? Try making it bounce!


What does an egg look like after sitting in vinegar? 

After 24 to 48 hours of soaking in vinegar, the eggshell will be completely dissolved, and the egg will be translucent and rubbery to the touch. The yolk and egg will remain intact within the membrane even after the vinegar has removed the shell from the egg.

Do eggs in vinegar need to be refrigerated?

It is recommended that you keep eggs soaked in vinegar refrigerated to keep them fresh and prevent bacterial growth.

Does vinegar denature egg white?

Yes, vinegar can denature the proteins in egg whites. The process of denaturation occurs when the protein molecules in egg whites unwind and unfold when they are subjected to an acid, such as vinegar.

When vinegar is added to eggs, its acetic acid combines with the calcium carbonate in the eggshell to produce carbon dioxide gas and calcium acetate. This reaction creates an acidic environment in the container, which can cause the egg whites to denature and become opaque and rubbery.

In most vinegar-soaked egg recipes, the vinegar concentration is usually not high enough to significantly denaturize the egg whites.

Are vinegar eggs healthy?

Pickled eggs are healthy as they are rich in protein and nutrients, and low in fat and calories. Vinegar also has a few potential health benefits, such as promoting healthy gut bacteria and aiding in digestion.