Storage Guidelines

  1. Always store eggs in the refrigerator at 40°F (4.4°C) or below. Eggs should not be stored near the refrigerator door, but in the main body of the refrigerator to ensure that they keep a consistent and cool temperature.
  2. Store in the original carton which protects the eggs to minimize breakage, loss of moisture and prevents them from absorbing strong odours and flavours of other foods in the fridge through the thousands of tiny pores in the egg shell.
  3. Keep eggs away from foods such as onions, cabbage, apples, citrus fruits and cheese to prevent flavour transfer.
  4. Eggs should always be stored with the large end up, the same way they are packaged in the carton. This helps the yolk remain centered.
  5. Leftover raw egg whites and yolks should be put in airtight containers and stored in the refrigerator immediately for up to three days. To prevent yolks from drying out, cover them with a little cold water. Drain the water before using.
  6. When storing hard-cooked eggs, you may notice a "gassy" odour in the refrigerator. The odour is caused by hydrogen sulphide, which forms when eggs are cooked. It's harmless and usually dissipates in a few hours. They can be refrigerated in or out of the shell for up to one week.
  7. Stock rotation: first in, first out; use before best before date.

Recommended storage times for eggs

Type of egg Use by
Fresh shell eggs By Best Before date
Leftover yolks or whites Within 2-4 days
Hard-cooked eggs Within 1 week
Prepared egg dishes Within 3-4 days
Pickled eggs Within 1 month
Frozen whole eggs (blended) Within 4 months