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Egg farmer Dianne and I visit CHCH Morning Live show

October 22nd, 2010

This morning, really REALLY early (4:50 a.m.!!), egg farmer Dianne from Lucan, Ontario and I headed to The Keeping Room in Dundas (just about the best kitchen store ever!) where CHCH TV films some its cooking segments. Community reporter Lori DeAngelis met us there and over the course of the Morning Live show we talked about eggs and cooked up some egg recipes.

Dianne had lots of interesting facts to share about eggs like the difference between white and brown eggs (nothing except for the colour of the shell), what her hens eat (a nutritious blend of grains, vitamins and minerals), how many egg sizes there are (peewee, small, medium, large, extra large and REALLY large or double-yolked eggs), where and how eggs should be stored (in their carton in the main part of the fridge, not on the door), how to tell if an egg is fresh (check the Best Before date on the carton or do the water test: put the egg in water and if it floats, it’s old), and how she looks after her hens (with care and respect making sure they have a comfortable environment and plenty of fresh water and food). Lori and I cooked up omelettes as well as recipes from a few of the egg farmers who are part of our Who Made Your Eggs Today? campaign. We made Pickled Eggs from the Schillings family in Oshawa, French Toast Casserole from the Grahams of St. Marys, and Dianne’s Coconut Walnut Squares. Click on the links for the recipes. It was great fun, but I think I may need a nap this afternoon!

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