60 Years of Egg Farming in Ontario!
For over 60 years, Egg Farmers of Ontario (EFO) has worked to supply families across Ontario with safe, nutritious, high-quality eggs.
In 1964, the Ontario Egg and Fowl Producers was established under the Farm Products Marketing Act. We operated under that name until 1998, when the organization was renamed Ontario Egg Producers, and that designation remained until 2006 with a final name change to Egg Farmers of Ontario. It’s a name that we are proud of, as it is a better reflection of the many people behind who we are – farmers, staff members, industry stakeholders and partners.
Over time, our name may have changed, but our commitment to high-quality eggs and world-class standards of food safety and animal care has always remained the same.
Today, we are an organization that represents over 500 egg farmers and pullet growers from across Ontario who account for about 40% of total egg production in Canada. That’s about 200 million dozen eggs each year.

From our family farms, to your family table
Our farmers are proud to supply fresh and nutritious eggs to families across Ontario, and they love to share what they do with consumers like you. We hope you visit all areas of this website which includes the stories of just some of our farm families from 1st generation farmers, all the way to 7th generation farm families!
Visit the Farm to Table section of this site to meet some of those farm families, made familiar through our original Who Made Your Eggs Today? and now, our Real Farmers. Real Eggs. campaigns.
Our farmers love eggs!
It’s not surprising that egg farmers love eggs. Not only are they nutritious, but they are also versatile and suit any meal or occasion. That’s why Egg Farmers of Ontario works hard each and every year to develop new recipes that consider trends, lifestyles and tastes. This site includes recipes for any appetite, from quick and easy meal ideas to special occasions where an elegant appetizer or a decadent dessert fits the bill. Whether you’re looking for the basics or are an at-home chef, our vast recipe library has something for everyone!
Our Mandate
The mandate of Egg Farmers of Ontario is to provide consumers with a guaranteed supply of safe, high-quality eggs at the most reasonable prices possible. This is accomplished through the efficient management of the production of eggs, research, product promotion and ongoing marketing activities.
Our Mission
The mission of Egg Farmers of Ontario is to lead a progressive and thriving egg sector committed to high-quality eggs, consumer choice and sustainable practices.
A full-time staff of about 32 people ensures the organization’s policies and regulations are implemented, and administrates programs such as layer placements, advertising and promotion, agriculture awareness and education, poultry and egg research, development and quality control.
A Farming Organization
Egg Farmers of Ontario is an independent, self-governing farming organization. We are not a government body or department. We are funded entirely by egg farmers. Each farmer pays a fee on every dozen eggs sold and these funds are used to support the activities of the Ontario and Canadian egg system.
How We Operate
Egg Farmers of Ontario is a supply management and fair farm pricing organization. That means we estimate how many eggs will be needed annually and set production levels so the right amount will be produced.
We also set the price paid to the egg farmer which is based on what it costs to produce the egg. Our mandate is to provide consumers with a guaranteed supply of safe, high-quality eggs at the most reasonable prices possible.
This is accomplished through the efficient management of the production of eggs, research, product promotion and ongoing marketing activities.
Production of Safe, High-Quality Eggs
We are committed to research so that consumers receive safe, high-quality eggs. In fact, we have instituted programs such as the Egg Quality Improvement program and Canada’s first poultry on-farm food safety program, with safety audits performed by an independent third party.
Efficient production of safe, high-quality eggs is a result of a number of programs and practices developed after years of research. These include an approved Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pullets and Laying Hens (covering space, lighting, ventilation, water and feed, waste removal, pest control and animal care requirements), mandatory bacteria testing of the layer operations, a standardized safety and quality program and regular on-farm inspections to monitor quality and safety standards.
Research and Development
Egg Farmers of Ontario has a long history of supporting research. While improving production efficiency was the primary target in the early years, other priorities such as food safety, disease control and biosecurity have been receiving more attention.
In 1985, the Board endowed an “Egg Research Chair” at the University of Guelph – the first of its kind – to develop new uses for eggs. We continually invest in research to improve all aspects of the egg industry including feed/production efficiency, housing, sanitation, environmental protection, egg quality and safety, new uses for eggs in the processing sector and new egg products.
In fact, we contributed to the creation of the Omega 3 Fatty Acid-enriched Designer Egg – an innovation developed by Dr. Jeong Sim of the University of Alberta.
Forecasting Demand
On a yearly basis, Egg Farmers of Ontario forecasts how many eggs consumers will purchase so that egg farmers can produce enough of a supply to keep egg cases in stores full. By forecasting the need for eggs and planning accordingly, it reduces instability that can result when supply and demand are out of balance.
Demand for eggs is determined by looking at the two markets for the eggs produced in Ontario – the table market and the industrial product market.
Table market eggs are shell eggs and are used at home, in restaurants and some bakeries.
Industrial product eggs are processed into a variety of forms including pasteurized frozen or refrigerated liquid eggs, dried eggs, pickled, hard-cooked, special blends and extracts. Processed egg products are sold to a range of industries including bakeries, food manufacturers (for pasta, salad dressings, cake mixes, etc.) and some restaurants.
Some companies extract elements from eggs, such as lysozyme, for use in bacteria control in food processing and cosmetics.
Stimulating Demand
Egg Farmers of Ontario works to promote eggs as rich in protein and a natural choice for an active lifestyle. Our goal is to take this message directly to consumers through recipe brochures, nutrition factsheets, sampling and cooking demonstrations at fairs and events. We also promote eggs through advertising, school visits, literature and restaurant promotions.