It’s been a bit crazy around Egg Farmers of Ontario’s office the past few weeks! Months even. We’ve been working hard to get ready for a big reveal today: the start of our new campaign – Who Made Your Eggs Today? Yes, we still want you to Get Cracking on a carton of eggs, as we’ve been encouraging you to do for many years already. But we now want to turn some attention onto the egg farmers in Ontario who work hard every day to ensure there are fresh, high-quality eggs in our grocery stores and at our farmers’ markets. Why the new focus? Glad you asked! For many years, Egg Farmers of Ontario has provided consumers with egg recipes, cooking tips and nutrition information. All good stuff we will continue to do! GET TO KNOW AN EGG FARMER But these days, people want to know the people who supply their food. They want a connection with the farmers, fishers and growers who work diligently to bring us the bountiful supply of wholesome food we are so fortunate to enjoy here in Ontario, and across our country. Research we did last fall confirmed this for us. Consumers were interested in learning more about our egg farmers. They were curious about why someone would choose to be a farmer……why farmers are passionate about what they do……where they live……and more. QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS They also had questions they wanted to ask our egg farmers. Things like –
- Exactly how fresh are the eggs in the grocery store?
- What’s the difference between brown and white eggs?
- What do chickens eat?
- Why are hard-boiled (hard-cooked) eggs sometimes so difficult to peel?
So……we asked eight of our farmers if they’d mind if we put them in the spotlight. You know, on billboards and transit ads. On a new website. In some radio ads. Since they’re all very nice people, they all graciously agreed. ON THE ROAD AGAIN! This summer we spent a day with each of them and their families, on their farms, taking pictures and videos, asking them to describe what they do as an egg farm family, and why they do it. We also asked them to answer some of those questions consumers frequently ask about eggs and chickens. And, we asked them to share one of their family’s favourite egg recipes. We want to share all this with you. That way you can get to know some of the wonderful egg farmers here in Ontario. Then when you next sit down to enjoy eggs, you’ll feel a little connection to the farmers those eggs came from. And you’ll know where to go if you have questions of your own about eggs and egg farming. THE NEW WEBSITE Please visit And let us know what you think!