Did you know you get more nutrients in egg yolks?

Did you know that egg whites and yolks offer different nutrients? Whole eggs are packed with protein, essential vitamins, healthy fats and more, but you need to eat the entire egg to benefit from them. 

Just how does the nutrition profile of egg whites and egg yolks vary? Let’s take a look:

Part of the Egg

Nutrition Profile

Egg Whites

  • Half the riboflavin
  • Half the “hunger-curbing” protein

Egg Yolks

  • Half the riboflavin
  • Half the protein
  • Fat
  • Cholesterol
  • Iron
  • Phosphorus
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamin B12
  • Folate
  • Selenium
  • Choline
  • Lutein
  • Zeaxanthin

Wondering about the cholesterol in the yolk? 

Studies show that, for healthy people (i.e. people with no history of diabetes, heart disease, or high blood cholesterol), eating an average of one egg per day (or seven eggs per week) does not increase the risk of heart disease. 

Some of the best ways to keep a healthy cholesterol level are to:

  • Have a healthy body weight
  • Avoid smoking;
  • Exercise regularly and;
  • Follow Canada’s Food Guide including avoiding trans fats from processed foods.

To find out more about diet and heart health, talk to a registered dietitian. 


How many egg yolks a day is healthy?

The American Heart Association suggests that healthy individuals can enjoy up to 1 egg per day without significantly increasing their risk of heart disease. Eggs are a nutrient-rich food source, providing essential vitamins, minerals, and protein. Remember, dietary needs can vary from person to person, so consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can help determine the ideal egg consumption for your specific health goals and considerations.

By incorporating eggs into a balanced diet, you can harness their nutritional benefits while maintaining overall wellness. Remember that moderation and a holistic approach to your diet are key factors in achieving optimal health.

What are the pros and cons of egg yolks?

Egg yolks offer different nutrients than egg whites, which presents some pros and cons.


Nutrient Content

Egg yolks contain a diverse array of vital nutrients such as half the riboflavin and protein in the egg, healthy fats, iron, phosphorus, vitamins (A, D, E, B12, folate), minerals (selenium), and beneficial compounds (choline, lutein, zeaxanthin).

Rich in Healthy Fats

Egg yolks include essential fatty acids like omega-3 and omega-6, which contribute to heart health, brain function, and inflammation reduction.

Choline Support

Choline plays a pivotal role in brain health, cell membrane structure, and various vital functions.


While egg yolks offer numerous benefits, certain considerations are a con for some people:

Cholesterol Concerns

Egg yolks contain dietary cholesterol. Individuals with specific health conditions may need to limit cholesterol intake. However, for most healthy people, dietary cholesterol has a limited impact on blood cholesterol levels.

Caloric Content

Egg yolks contribute to the caloric content of the egg. Overconsumption of calories can potentially lead to weight gain if not balanced with physical activity.

Individual Sensitivities

Some individuals may have allergies or sensitivities to egg yolks, causing a need to be mindful of potential adverse reactions.

In general, for healthy individuals with no allergies to eggs, eating egg yolks in moderation can be a healthy addition to their daily diet. If you are concerned about whether egg yolks are a good choice for your body, it is always best to consult with a medical professional, like a doctor or registered dietitian. 

Are egg yolks better for you?

Egg yolks offer distinctive nutrients that make them a nutritional powerhouse beneficial for overall health. Ultimately, whether egg yolks are better for you depends on your unique circumstances. Here are some factors to consider:

Nutrient Balance

Including egg yolks in your diet allows you to harness the diverse nutrients they offer. However, it's essential to strike a balance by considering your overall dietary intake and specific nutritional needs.

Health Goals

Egg yolks can be a valuable source of nutrients, but their suitability varies based on your health goals. For instance, individuals with certain health conditions may need to monitor their cholesterol intake.

Personalized Choices

Everyone's body responds differently. Some individuals may benefit from consuming whole eggs, while others may find it preferable to focus on specific dietary preferences or health requirements. Consulting with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian can provide personalized insights based on your health status, dietary preferences, and objectives.

Are egg yolks healthier raw or cooked?

While raw egg yolks contain more nutrients than cooked eggs, the human body is not able to absorb those nutrients at the same rate as cooked eggs. As a result, most people discover more health benefits from eating cooked eggs rather than raw eggs. If you prefer a soft, runny yolk, consider preparing soft-boiled or poached eggs as a healthy way to cook eggs.

Raw Egg Yolks

Raw egg yolks contain a rich array of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and proteins. However, the human body's ability to fully absorb these nutrients from raw eggs is limited. Research indicates that while raw eggs may contain more nutrients, their protein absorption is compromised compared to cooked eggs. For instance, a study published by the National Institutes of Health revealed that participants absorbed approximately 91% of the protein in cooked eggs, while only around 51% of the protein in raw eggs was absorbed.

Cooked Egg Yolks

Cooking egg yolks can enhance nutrient absorption. Heat denatures proteins, making them more digestible. While cooking may result in some nutrient loss, the overall benefit of improved nutrient absorption often outweighs this drawback.

Balancing Nutrient Intake

Incorporating cooked egg yolks into your diet provides a more efficient way to access the nutrients they offer. However, the choice between raw and cooked egg yolks depends on your specific health goals and preferences. For example, some athletes drink raw eggs as a way to consume more eggs in a short amount of time.

Is it okay to eat 4 egg yolks every day?

While 4 egg yolks daily may be suitable for some people, it may not be for others. If you are looking to eat 4 egg yolks every day, here are some things to consider:  

Nutrient Density and Balance

Egg yolks are packed with essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and proteins, contributing to overall well-being. While egg yolks offer valuable nutrients, a balanced diet incorporates a variety of foods to ensure you receive a broad spectrum of essential nutrients.

Cholesterol and Heart Health

Egg yolks contain dietary cholesterol, a concern for some due to its potential impact on heart health. Recent studies suggest that for most healthy individuals, moderate egg consumption is unlikely to affect heart disease risk significantly. However, individual factors such as genetics, existing conditions, and overall diet play a role.

Individual Considerations

Each person is different. Here are some things to consider that may vary from person to person:

  • Health Status: Your overall health, medical history, and existing conditions influence how your body responds to dietary choices.
  • Goals and Needs: Consider your health goals – whether it's managing cholesterol, weight, or other aspects – when determining your egg yolk intake.
  • Dietary Variety: A diverse diet provides a broader range of nutrients and health benefits.
  • Egg Yolk Quantity: While some individuals may tolerate higher egg yolk intake, it's crucial to ensure you're not overly reliant on a single food source.

Overall, when deciding what diet is right for your body, it is always best to consult with a health professional, like a doctor or registered dietitian.