
Get Your Back to School Game On: 7 Quick and Easy ...

Aug 20, 2021

It’s every parent’s three favourite words. Back. To. School.So long to the “I’m bored!” and “there’s nothing to do!” of summer. With the return of fall routines comes the dreaded school lunch, but don…

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5 crafts to try this summer

Jul 18, 2021

Summer days are finally upon us! The kids are likely home and looking for something fun to do. This is where you step in with your 5 wonderful craft ideas to keep the family occupied. What's even bett…

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Easy egg shell planters

Jul 12, 2021

Looking to test out your green thumb? We've got a great way to get you ahead of the game when it comes to preparing your garden and it all comes down to sprouting your seeds. Did you know that you can…

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Egg Shell Mosaic Art

Jul 6, 2021

Crack your artistic code by peeling or breaking your decorated egg shells and use them to create a beautiful mosaic piece of art! Materials: • Coloured egg shell pieces • Canvas • Glue • Acr…

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Back-to-school Craft and Snack in 5 Easy Steps

Jul 6, 2021

Now that the school year has started, it’s time to start thinking of ideas to keep the kiddos busy and fed when they get home ! We have a great after school craft that is not only relevant to your k…

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Make a Mobile out of Egg Cartons!

Jul 6, 2021

Nothing makes a house a home more than homemade artwork! This ombré egg carton mobile is completely customizable, so no matter your décor, you can make it to match! Ombré Egg Carton Mobile Materia…

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Top 10 Summer Salads You Need to Try!

Jun 23, 2021

It's the perfect time of year to enjoy a meal that's crisp and cool. The best part about these salads? Not only will they satiate you, they'll nourish you from the inside out! Whether you're looking f…

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Stock Your Kitchen Like a Dietitian

Jun 16, 2021

By: Andrea D’Ambrosio, Registered Dietitian & Owner of Dietetic Directions Want to stock your kitchen like a dietitian? If so, this blog will help you do just that! Stocking your kitchen is a p…

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Nutrient-rich, all-natural eggs: your choice for u ...

Jun 4, 2021

What nutrition message is likely to dominate the next decade?  "For ultimate nutrition at every age and life stage, eat mostly nutrient-rich whole foods closest to their natural state." Here’s how eg…

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