Baked Dipping Eggs

Ready In 20 min.
Prep 10 min.
Cook 10 min.


Classic dippy-eggs all grown up! The addition of spinach and tomatoes with gooey Gruyère cheese add sophistication to your childhood favourite.


Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Butter 4 ramekins with 1 tbsp (15 mL) butter. Leave remaining butter in ramekins. Set ramekins on a rimmed baking sheet.

Divide chopped spinach and tomatoes between ramekins. Crack 1 egg over vegetables and sprinkle with cheese. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until eggs are soft-cooked. Season with salt and pepper to taste, sprinkle with chives. Serve with prepared toast sticks.

Tip: Try using different ingredients for variety in these easy to make egg cups (i.e., finely diced cooked ham and onions with fresh herbs instead of the spinach and tomatoes).  The combinations are endless!

Brought to you by: Egg Farmers of Ontario