Discover your new favourite egg recipes

 Did you know that egg whites and yolks offer different nutrients? Whole eggs are packed with protein, essential vitamins, healthy fats and more, but you need to eat the entire egg to benefit from them. Just how does the nutrition profile of egg whites and egg yolks var…

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Did you know you get more nutrients in egg yolks?

 Did you know that egg whites and yolks offer diff

If you enjoy eggs as much as we do, you’ll be thrilled to find out that they are not only tasty but incredibly nutritious. Sometimes, folks who are watching their weight choose to skip the yolk, having heard that the yolk is richer in fats than the whites are. Although …

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No eggs-cuses: zero reasons to skip the yolk

If you enjoy eggs as much as we do, you’ll be thri

With the current cost of food and the impact on your household budget, the issue of food waste becomes all the more important. Although it is difficult to enjoy the same boring meal over and over again, it is even more difficult to watch food go to waste.  A staple in m…

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8 Easy Ways to Use Up Leftover Rice

With the current cost of food and the impact on yo